How to Add The Kind of “Marketing Muscle” to Your Website That Helps You Get More Health Coaching Clients

Nicole Piper
5 min readOct 12, 2021

Many health coach websites look fabulous, but they lack “marketing muscle” power. That means they won’t do much to help the coach get clients.

Luckily, there are simple ways you can turn on your website’s marketing power!

Now if your website Homepage is doing its job, the person coming to it will know right away that you can give them the kind of help they’re looking for. And they’ll quickly see that you’re the perfect person to help them.

…If you’re not 100% sure your site is doing this, you can download a free resource — The 4 Questions Every Health Coach’s Website Homepage Must Answer

So in theory, the people coming to your site should be jumping out of their skin to talk to you, right?

Not so fast.

In most cases, people won’t be ready to start working with you right away. The reason why usually comes down to one or more of the following:

  1. They feel overwhelmed by all the options they have to choose from. (There’s nothing that stunts motivation faster than overwhelm)
  2. They may be looking into other options and just aren’t ready to choose yet
  3. They may not be convinced that you can deliver what you promise
  4. Their problem may not be so urgent, so they keep pushing it off
  5. They simply want to get to know you better

Now if your website is intentionally designed to help you get new clients, you won’t worry. Because your site has what it needs to guide them in taking the next step with you.

But if your site doesn’t do this, you leave the next step up to your website visitor. That’s not a good idea. Especially since there’s a simple fix. And it’s a great way to help your site visitors, too!

All it takes is adding a little “marketing muscle” to your website.

How to Add Marketing Muscle to Your Site

There are 2 things you can do to add marketing muscle to your website. Both of them will help bring your site visitors closer to working with you. And both of them center around a time-tested tradition…


If you’ve ever attended a conference, trade show, or even a kid’s birthday party, you know the power of swag … that free stuff you get just for showing up. It’s a way for the organizer to say, “I appreciate you stopping by.”

You want to do the same with your website. You do that by offering your site visitor the chance to pick up some swag. But there’s something important to keep in mind…

There’s a big difference between good swag and landfill.

Good swag is relevant to the person visiting the site. It’s aligned with the help they’re looking for.

So your “freebie” needs to be something juicy that your site visitor wants … something so enticing that they’ll give you their email address to get it.

It could explain something they may not know … give them some tips on what to do … or give them part of the specific plan you use to help people with this problem.

Whatever it is, it should be short and easy for them to get through, understand, and take action on. That’s how your freebie starts your relationship off on the right foot.

Now let’s get to the second thing you need to have on your website. This one focuses on building trust.

How to Become Your Site Visitor’s Trusted Resource

One of the best ways to start building trust is by showing people you’re the subject expert. You do this by providing relevant, helpful information.

If you like to write, write a weekly article. If you prefer video, create an informative video every week. You can even mix things up! The point is, keep giving people value by updating the content on your site.

There are 2 reasons you should regularly update the content on your site. First, it’s good for your future clients. It’s good for them to have access to information that they’ll find helpful. Second, it’s good for your ranking. (Search engines love websites that are updated regularly!)

Okay, so those are two ways to add marketing muscle to your site. But we’re not done yet. There’s one more very important thing you need to do …

The Key to Turning Site Visitors Into Clients

Once you have a person’s email address, you need to nurture your relationship with them. This is really the key to turning site visitors into clients.

The first thing you need to do is to get your new friend used to hearing from you. Ideally, they’ll even look forward to hearing from you! You do this by creating what I call a “courtship series.”

A courtship series is a series of emails (say 3–5) that your new friend will start getting after they’ve received your freebie.

The purpose of the courtship series is to help them get to know you. Because at the end of the day, coaching is a personal relationship (even if it’s online or virtual).

So what should your emails include?

Something valuable and useful! If they see that you’re helpful and not just clogging up their inbox, they’ll start to look forward to getting your emails.

These first few emails should help your future client take steps towards fixing their problem. (Starting to see a theme here?) Ideally, it will help move them forward by including something they can do. (I like to include another, unexpected gift, like another free resource that helps them make more progress.)

Your emails are also a great place to talk about case studies that show how you’ve helped people with the same problem. That’s another fantastic way to show people that you get results!

Don’t Drop The Ball!

Once your courtship series is done, you should make sure your new subscribers keep hearing from you! I know some people write to their list every single day. But you don’t have to do that. Once a week is fine.

The point is, you need to keep showing up … just like you will when they start working with you. And the good news is, you can use your weekly email to promote the new blog posts or other resources you’re adding to your site!

If you do what I’ve outlined here, your website will be set up to attract your future clients. And you’ll have a reliable system that engages them … and will help turn them into paying clients.



Nicole Piper

Health & Wellness Brand Strategist and Direct Response Copywriter